See product launches and upcoming promotional activities with future-dated preview!
A key component of website merchandising for most folks includes preparing for product launches and promotional activities. Whether it is a one-day Flash Sale, a much larger Black Friday event or a new product launch these types of activities often require some level of site merchandising to ensure the experience is just right.
This type of merchandising often includes rules that are time-boxed for the future - to kick in at the start of the sale or the launch and then end after a predetermined amount of time. Until today, those rules needed to be previewed in real time as they were being set up. Now, we’re excited to announce that there is a new, seamless way to preview the entire experience across multiple categories or queries as a holistic review of the final experience for your site visitors, while ensuring that all your rules and any future-dated products will come alive precisely when intended.
Date picker available next to search input in Interact page.
Within Interact, you can now select a date in the future to see the effect of any future-dated rules apply to the result set, and if you’re using our Product Launch capabilities then you’ll be able to see future-dated products come into the result set as well.
Within the calendar view, you can see a summary of when searchandising rules start and end, as indicated with the red and blue dot indicators so that you can easily see when you have new rules taking effect and rules ending.
Calendar view with indicators for rule starting and ending.
For more information about future-dated preview, please connect with your Customer Success Manager, or contact us through