Facet Option Sort & More Documentation Now Available in the Dashboard!
Facet Option Sort in the Dashboard
We’ve long supported the ability to configure Facet Option sorting using the API, and now it is available in the dashboard for all users to modify.
There are three options available to sort facets at the option level, these include:
- Query Attractiveness
- Alphanumeric
- Number of Matches
While we generally recommend that Facet Options are sorted by Query Attractiveness (default) to help ensure the most attractive option is surfaced, we know there might be times when a different configuration could make sense too.
Maybe you want to set a heuristic with customers for specific facets so they can more easily find the option that best suits their needs. This could mean setting a size facet alphanumerically so all the numbers show in order, or maybe you want to clearly show customers how the results of a given query are spread across various brand options by ranking them by how many products are available from each brand, you could sort them by number of matches.
This can be found in the Manage Facets section of the dashboard, within the Indexes tab.
New Documentation
We also made some changes to the documentation available in the dashboard. Previously there was just one link to “Docs” which took users to docs.constructor.io which is primarily our API documentation which is more technically focused.
We also have more merchandiser focused documentation available throughout the dashboard from relevant touchpoints, but we’ve never provided a generic link into all of that documentation from one place - until now!
New in the header you’ll find that we’ve renamed our existing documentation link from “Docs” to “API Docs” to make it more clear what those are, and we’ve added a new link to our more business friendly documentation in the “Knowledgebase” link.