Category Facet Configuration
Facets are key to great search and browse experiences because they allow users to narrow their results to find the right product. To provide better insights into facet engagement, we recently released analytics for facet usage. Building on this recent release, customers can now take action based on those insights with Category Facet Configuration.
For example, in your online grocery store you may observe usage of the “Price” facet significantly exceeds the "Brand" facet in the Beverages category, or that few users interact with the “Fat Free” Nutrition facet. Using Category Facet Configuration you can now move “Price” to the highest position and hide the “Fat Free” facet option in the Beverage category, completely independent of the existing global facet configuration. Seeing different trends in Frozen Food? No problem, you can set a custom facet configuration there too.
These new facet configuration capabilities supplement our existing dynamic facet ranking options, which rank facets based on those that are most common among the top ranking products for a given category. For instance on a cosmetics site, the Foundation page would have the facets associated with actual foundation products at the top of the page, such as “Formulation”, “Brand” and “Color”. In contrast, “Bristle Type” would be ranked lower because this is a facet associated with foundation brushes, which behavioral data indicate are not as appealing for users on the Foundation page.
Check out category facet configurations here.
We’ve delivered this feature for Category Browse based on traffic and customer demand, but we’ll be evaluating expanding to Collections and/or Search in the future. Reach out to or your Customer Success Manager if you’d like to see this more broadly!